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World Tourism Day

When is World Tourism Day?

Since 1979, the World Tourism Day is celebrated on September 27 of each year. The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) designated this date as the most appropriate, since it coincides with the end of the high holiday season in the northern hemisphere and the beginning of it in the southern hemisphere. In addition, it was essential that tourism have a celebration date, given that this activity has been increasing more and more. This is thanks to the need and interest of the large number of people in the world to explore new places, enrich themselves with new cultures and rest from their routine.

Traveling is one of the greatest pleasures in life and now, thanks to the internet and social networks, which open up an immense range of information, the possibility of doing it, whether to remote or nearby places, is infinite. We will always find the perfect plan that suits our taste and economy. Tourism also generates work and extremely important income for the countries.

What does the day of tourism seek to achieve?

Each year, World Tourism Day focuses on a specific theme. In 2021 the motto was “Tourism for inclusive growth”, in 2020 the theme “Tourism in rural development” was emphasized. This year, the campaign chosen for Tourism Day 2022 is called “Rethinking Tourism” which emphasizes the importance of tourism, once restrictions have been lifted in most countries and tourists once again regain confidence in to travel. This year, the venue for World Tourism Day falls on the beautiful Bali in Indonesia.

Tourism and the global economy

Tourism has been considered as a fundamental engine for the growth, development and economy of countries. In addition, in May 2022, at the United Nations Organization, a special conference on Tourism was held, since more than 450 organizations signed a document called the “Glasgow Declaration”, in which they commit to take action in the tourism field, in order to adapt to the climate crisis.

How to celebrate Tourism Day?

The best way to celebrate this day is to travel, travel to that country that attracts you and that you always wanted to know or perhaps return to that place where you lived unforgettable moments and you want to visit again. Ecuador is within those possibilities. Today is the day you can make the big decision to travel to our country that, with its warmth and beauty, will fill your life with unforgettable and memorable experiences.

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